How to Detect a Leak in Your Business

Did you know that a few of the businesses are paying 90% higher on their water bill because of water leaks? Water plumbing or underground leaks are tricky. If you will pay no attention to it, it could be wasting up to 2,000 liters per hour.

A leak detection helps prevent the business to consume more than the regular bill. A scheduled leak detection inspects the fixtures and plumbings. And this makes sure that no small leaks will ever come into a disastrous bill hike. Water leaks could come unseeable, you will just know it when you see your bill. And a regular leak check is a great way to avoid this circumstance.

How do you identify a leak source?
Not everyone knows, but it is important that we know how to identify if there is a water leak at home or at business. This can be a daunting task if you haven’t done it yet but it could be basic once tried. To begin the process, you must know that there could be internal or external causes of the leaks. 

Check for the external leaks
You can check the external cause of the leaks with the following:


  1. Locate the water meter. Most of the large businesses’ meters are can in underground meter chambers. While the small businesses are in the building next to where the water pipe enters the property. But there are also situations where the water meter is placed on the outside of the building. It could be holding its own area for the large businesses and small spots on small businesses. 
  2. Find the internal stop tap. The internal stop tap is a very important part of the internal plumbing system. It is necessary that you know where to find it and how to operate it. Anyway, it’s not that difficult to do. It may be located under the kitchen sink, in the bathroom, or in the utility room. But if you can’t find your internal stop tap, you can ask your neighbor about theirs. Yours could be located at the same place as their internal stop tap. Once you found your internal stop tap, opening and closing it is very simple. It is a movable piece and to be rotated clockwise and counter-clockwise. To open it, move the piece to counterclockwise rotation. And clockwise rotation to close it.
  3. Take a meter reading. Lift the lid and see the meter reading. Take note of the current meter reading while the internal stop tap is switched off. Leave it for one hour and check again the meter reading. Compare it to the previous reading that you have noted. If the dials have changed and any figure on the reading was added, you have water leaks in your line.

Check for the internal leaks
If the external leak detection did not give a positive leak result, it’s time to check internal leaks. 

  1. Disable all appliances that use water. You need to turn off all the appliances in the building that connects to the waterline. This includes dishwashers, laundry machines, and others.
  2. Keep the internal stop tap on. This time, the internal stop tap must be turned on as opposed to the procedure that we have done earlier. Take a note of the meter reading and leave it that way for the day.
  3. Check the meter reading. Go back to the premises in the morning and check the movement it had made during the night. If the reading remains the same at the first note, then you have no leaks in the building. But if there are changes on every digit, this means that you have a leakage.

    Whether there are small digits added during the tests of water leaks, it should not be taken for granted. That small digit could lead to a catastrophe before you even know it. Look for a professional plumber to handle your leak problem the soonest that you can. 


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